1846 was one of the most critical years in San Diego’s amazing history. It was the year that Mexican control of San Diego was ceded to the United States of America and for the first time the American flag flew from the plaza in what we know today as Old Town San Diego. George Farrar presents an epic show in the History San Diego series focusing on the intrigue, legends, military adventures, & violence that descended upon the San Diego area during the years 1846-1847 as the United States and Mexico were fighting the Mexican American War and San Diego was on the cusp of dramatic commercial growth, just around four years from incorporation as a city and statehood for California in 1850. Viewers are encouraged to view the preceding show in the series about the origins and details of the Mexican American war and the 1840s for greater context to understand this show better. Our next show will be landmark profiles direct from Old Town San Diego in March. Thanks for watching!