San Diego History- Nothing Certain but Death & Taxes -The Garra Uprising & Native Tax Revolt of 1851

There is an old saying that nothing is certain except death and taxes. This episode of History San Diego has plenty of both. As San Diego County and other counties in California begin to collect property taxes, the question of whether the taxes should be collected from Native Americans comes up. In November, 1851, a Native American named Antonio Garra led an uprising that roiled the people and powers in Southern California. The uprising was put down and Garra was executed, while the US Army patrolled the frontier seeking to bring about peace and order in the eastern frontier of California. George presents the intrigue and stories from those turbulent times just as San Diego enters the early years under statehood. All shows are at: The cover photo is from the replica “First City Hall and Courthouse Museum” at Old Town San Diego State Historic Park. Please note that when referring to the 1850 census, the numbers displayed are by county and not city. The turbulence of late 1851 was regional, so this show was limited to San Diego County impacts and activity. The viewer is encouraged to read and view more about the uprising for even more details.

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